Jason called me yesterday to discuss some training calendar stuff. He'd already seen my last post and also thought that catting down in XC was a good idea. I still had my race plate on my bike when I was getting ready to ride yesterday. I guess I'll be trading it in for something a little less flashy (with triple digits) next time. I couldn't help but think of the immortal words of Gwen Stefani: "I'm about to give you away, for someone else take."
Wednesday was a Zone 2 ride out Highway 45 and across South Shore. On rainy days, the "highway" is always so empty past Unionville. It gave me a chance to snap a cool picture of the foggy greeness in the Yellowwood State Forest.
Wednesday was a Zone 2 ride out Highway 45 and across South Shore. On rainy days, the "highway" is always so empty past Unionville. It gave me a chance to snap a cool picture of the foggy greeness in the Yellowwood State Forest.
Post slow-mo endo over a rocky dip
Finally, I made another attempt at Schooner Trace last night. I hadn't really planned on it, but the urge suddenly struck and I went for it. The trail seems to be drying better than when I rode it April. At the time, it was significantly wetter than the rest of the system; now it's about the same. I guess the trail still isn't officially open, even though people have been riding it for months, so I don't think any maintenance has been done since they finished the cutting. There are tons of trees down, so that made for a lot of stop and go. I know the trail's supposed to be hard, but I'm still hoping that the finishing work improves the flow a little. I did manage to tip over a couple of times (once into a patch of poison ivy), but crashing at 2 mph hurts a lot less than smashing into a tree at 15-ish.
Right, let me touch on your statement: "Maybe I should buy a single-speed"...I was tired of people pushing the single speed thing on me but now that I have one, I really do love it. I have little interest in riding my geared bike; in fact, it is now just a pile of half assembled parts in the corner of the garage. I found it took a couple rides to warm up to only having one gear.
Well, that statement was kind of joking about the "provides a face saving reason to downgrade back to Cat 2" line from the post I linked to. I've definitely been looking for one of those this week. I've actually wanted a singlespeed in addition to my geared bike for a long time, but it just always seems like there's something else I want more, so I haven't got one yet.
Of course, DINO doesn't offer a singlespeed class of any sort, so it really wouldn't make much different race-wise.
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